Monday, September 16, 2013

Free Download - Back to School Articulation Story using Final /s/

Going back to school can be fun!

Children are still getting back into the swing of school after a long summer. Here is a simple, short story for young readers that targets /s/ in the final position in both one and two-syllable words.

I created this piece for my pre-first grade client who was working on correcting a lateralized /s/ and beginning to read, with some direction.
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A short story should be targeted in traditional articulation therapy when the child has mastered the sound at the isolation, syllable, word and sentence level. It can be a fun home carryover task as well. Sometimes I would use the story sentences and have him cut out images to match with the target word. You would need to have the images separate in order to do that.

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I listed the target words at the bottom of the story for easier identification and scoring purposes.

Download the FREE two-page final /s/ articulation story for back to school in my TpT store here.


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